Transparent compression on Android
Similarly to CompactGUI, transparent compression seems to be theoretically possible on Android.
These are the steps:
- Modify your android kernel to add full NTFS support via the NTFS-3G project. This has already been done:
- - - Insert the SD-Card into Windows
- Create an NTFS partition
- Create a /data folder
- Use compact.exe to enable the transparent compression features
- Insert the SD-Card into the phone
- Mount the NTFS partition
- Move all of the app files into their respective /data folder in the NTFS partition
- Create symbolic links for the app files
Boom, transparent compression on Android.
Before doing this, though, try this:
- General cleanup using SDMaid 2/SE
- Scan your storage usage using DiskUsage and delete big files.
- Delete unnused files files from the Downloads folder.
- Upload your files to the cloud, deleting the local copies and following the 3-2-1 backup rule.
- Move apps to the SD-Card using Link2SD (also remember to modify the default-install location using `adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2`)
- Buy a bigger SD-Card.
- Buy a phone with a bigger internal storage.
Unless you have a need for keeping a gargantuan amount of apps installed all at the same time, there's no real use case for this lol.
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